When Is the Right Time For a Facelift? - Imagine Plastic Surgery

When Is the Right Time For a Facelift?


Posted by Dr. Hardesty

When Is the Right Time For a Facelift?

We each age differently, so there’s no rule about needing to be a specific age for a facelift. Some people win the genetic lottery and won’t notice the signs of facial aging until their 50s or 60s. However, it’s not uncommon for others to pursue a facelift in their mid-40s or early 50s. By this age, a combination of sun exposure, environmental factors and life’s stressors may result in fine lines, wrinkles and loss of facial volume. 

I have long believed in a uniquely ‘individual’ facial approach with my patients. I engage in specific face lift procedures that will address and treat many concerns on the face such as “turkey gobbler” neck, neck bands, jowls, and wrinkles from excess sagging skin, excess skin, dense grooves from the base of the nose to outer lips and sagging cheeks. My techniques often employ adjunctive procedures such as fat grafting, laser, and orbital rejuvenation, which I refer to as “Synergy”. My goal in utilizing these combined procedures in a comprehensive plan is to have you look 10 to 15 years younger – ‘naturally.’ Depending on the type of facelift required, I utilize hidden incisions that, when healed, are virtually unnoticeable. 

Actual Patient Results

Again, the key to a properly designed facelift is to not only rejuvenate facial features, but return patients to a more youthful and natural appearance, which certainly bolsters the confidence level of a woman, or man. In order to understand the many options available, I direct you to our comprehensive Facelift web page: www.imagineplasticsurgery.com/facelift-riverside-inland-empire/

Dr. Hardesty and Highly Skilled, Caring Staff

One Goal, Many Options

The Imagine Plastic Surgery team uniquely provides the full array of both non-surgical and surgical alternatives thus filling our motto of “One Goal, Many Options.” For over 30 years Dr. Hardesty, an award winning, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, and his staff, have provided comprehensive Cosmetic Plastic Surgery services and procedures. We proudly serve Riverside and San Bernardino counties of the Inland Empire and the communities of Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, Upland, Pomona, Corona, Chino Hills, Redlands and Temecula.

What is the cost?

At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!


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