THE ‘Natural look’ in facial rejuvenation
Patients travel from throughout Southern California, including Beverly Hills and Newport Beach, to the Inland Empire due to the fact that Dr. Robert Hardesty is known as a creator of the ‘Natural Look’ in plastic and Cosmetic Surgery.
The face is the most visible part of the body, and many times it shows visible signs of aging first. Our team at Imagine Plastic Surgery offer a full spectrum of non-surgical, minimally invasive and short incision surgical options to help patients look years younger. Thus, fulfilling our motto “One Goal, Many Options.” These options can address wrinkles, sagging skin, and jowls. “Imagine the Difference” it could make in your life if you could look just as young as you feel.
While challenged by the effects of aging, the first priority among today’s patients is to avoid the tell-tale signs of an obvious face-lift, “nose-job,” or eyelid surgery that projects the appearance of a “deer in the headlights.” Whether you seek facelift surgery, a mini-facelift, a non-surgical facelift, cosmetic upper and lower eyelid surgery, or rhinoplasty, Dr. Hardesty is highly skilled in creating the “Natural Look” in facial rejuvenation. His outstanding before and after photographs speak for themselves.
Facelift & Necklift
Forehead & Brow Lift
Eyelid Surgery
Nose Surgery
Ear Surgery
Facial Implants
Cosmetic Surgery Prices / Cost
Average cost of popular Plastic Surgery Procedures Blog Contents: I. “COMPARING APPLES TO APPLES” II. TOTAL COSTS III. SOURCES OF PUBLISHED COSTS As in life, decisions are made on multitude of data points and an obvious one is total costs and fees. If you are buying an auto, you can easily compare similar models and […]
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhat is the cost?
At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!
COST OF PLASTIC SURGERYCan we answer a question? Contact Imagine Plastic Surgery
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