Patients from the Inland Empire, Southern California and across America have come to appreciate our dedicated and talented staff, who are available to assist you through the entire process of your cosmetic surgery.

Patient Concierge
Elizabeth has had the pleasure of working with Dr. Hardesty’s team since 1987. She is experienced in both front and back office as well as office management and has an intimate understanding of patients looking to enhance their appearance. She enjoys developing a trusting relationship with patients and works closely with them to help make decisions regarding surgery and achieve a pleasant experience. She has also worked in the field with medical insurance coverage and is an expert in assisting patients with authorization for medical procedures such as eyelid lift, breast reduction and excess lower body skin.
Should you have questions regarding financial assistance, do not hesitate to ask and you will be kindly assisted. She is available to assist you from your consultation to scheduling your surgery and coordinating your pre and post operative appointments.

Practice Concierge
Lisa has been in the medical industry as an MA and patient Coordinator for over 21 years. Her solid experience in the cosmetic field results in the ability to deal successfully with the demands of a busy and diverse patient base. In addition to her extensive experience Lisa possesses strong communication skills, a calm and pleasant demeanor, and an innate ability to be warm and compassionate.
Lisa’s winning combination ensures that you will recieve exceptional service and care, while visiting Imagine Plastic Surgery.

Chelsea is a licensed registered PA-C specializing in pre and post operative care as well as aesthetic treatments. She graduated from Loma Linda University. She takes pride in helping her patients achieve a healthy, youthful appearance. Chelsea’s focus is on non-surgical facial rejuvenation as well surgical management. She provides patients with various injectables and laser treatments. Chelsea also provides patients with pre and post operative care also assisting Dr. Hardesty during surgery.

Christina Baronov
Christina, an experienced aesthetic in the aesthetic field.
She not only excels in Aesthestic procedures but she understands whole patient care: Christina has been a nurse since 2011 and prior a CNA since 2006 with experience ranging from pediatrics, med-surge, tele, hospice, ICU, and surgery but always felt a calling and passion for aesthetics.
After finishing off her ICU career during the COVID-19 pandemic, Christina decided to fulfill her dream by transitioning into becoming an aesthetics Nurse Practitioner. Christina enjoys building a connection with her patients and showcasing her artistic talents.
Recently, Christina moved to the Inland Empire, Christina values her time off with her animals, her fiancé who is also in healthcare as a physician, and her two teens. She is also a proud daughter of a Marine Veteran and a Japanese mother.
Schedule your next treatment with Christina who is an experienced with aesthetic, fillers, neuromodulators (Botox), lasers, PRP, etc
Welcome Christina to the Imagine Plastic Surgery team and the patients she help reach their Aesthestic Goals.

Tammy is a licensed registered nurse specializing in aesthetic treatments. She received her certificate to become an aesthetic nurse specialist and began working with Dr. Hardesty in 2004. Tammy’s focus is on non-surgical facial rejuvenation. She takes pride in helping her patients achieve a healthy, youthful appearance.
Under Dr. Hardesty’s direction, Tammy provides injectable and laser services to clients of the Aesthetic Skin and Laser Center. Laser procedures include hair reduction and photo facial rejuvenation. Tammy is also certified to administer Botox and filler injection treatments such as Restylane and Radiesse.

Narsel has been in the Aesthetic Industry for over 12 years, and with Imagine Plastic Surgery since 2004. Narsel works in our practice to assist Dr. Hardesty and our providers, in the non-surgical division of our practice, Imagine Plastic Surgery. She brings an extensive background and knowledge in cosmetic procedures, services and all of our products. She will be there to answer any questions you may have before, during, and after your visit. Her passion for this industry and patient satisfaction is a perfect match for Imagine Plastic Surgery. Imagine The Difference.

Alicia Salazar
Medical Assistant, Medical Aesthetician
Alicia works in our practice to assist Dr. Hardesty, in the non-surgical division of our practice, Imagine Plastic Surgery. Her primary focus is to provide customized procedures and products that address acne, age spots, brown spots, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, dry skin, texture, tone, large pores and congestion for all skin types. Alicia enjoys working with patients and directing them through a positive surgical experience as well as the many other services we provide.

Livier Avila
Medical Assistant
Livier, has been in the medical industry as a medical assistant for over 16 years. Livier works in our practice to assist Dr. Hardesty and our providers, in the non-surgical division of our practice, as well as one of the friendly faces you will see when you arrive at the office front desk. She is passionate about helping others and finds the work that she does with Imagine Plastic Surgery very rewarding.

Bianca Lopez
Medical Assistant
Bianca is the welcoming face that will greet you when you arrive at IPS. She joined Imagine Plastic Surgery in 2021 as our medical assistant. She enjoys working at the front desk as well as the back office, where she assists in patient care and tending to their needs. She enjoys being a part of the patient's journey, giving them a positive experience with us at Imagine Plastic Surgery from start to finish.
What is the cost?
At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!
COST OF PLASTIC SURGERYCan we answer a question? Contact Imagine Plastic Surgery
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