Spider Vein Removal with Great Results!
If you sometimes avoid showing your legs because you have spider veins — those small clusters of red, blue or purple veins that appear on the thighs, calves and ankles — you are not alone. It’s estimated that at least half of all women are bothered by this common cosmetic problem.
In some women, spider veins become noticeable in their early 20s. For others, the veins may not become obvious until they reach their 40s. Men get spider veins, too. However, usually they are concealed by hair growth on the leg.
A number of factors may contribute to the development of spider veins in the legs, and the need for Spider Vein Removal, including:
- Heredity
- Pregnancy
- Hormonal shifts
- Weight gain
- Occupations or activities that require prolonged sitting or standing
Spider Veins aka “telangiectasias”
Spider veins are fine, red, blue/purple vessels that are visible through the skin. They appear as a fine thread in a spiderweb appearance. They are most commonly seen on the thighs, calves and ankles. This can happen from pregnancy, age, weight bearing or pressure from walking.
These vessels can be treated with “sclerotherapy”, the doctor or PA at Imagine Plastic Surgery will insert a small needle into the vessel which causes the vessel to close. Following each treatment patients will wear compression stockings to maximize results.
Before treatment, remember avoid blood thinners or aspirin and to bring “compression stockings” to each visit. Please verify the stockings cover the desired treated area. Stockings are easily found on Amazon.
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins differ from telangectasias in that they are thick, dark colored and can resemble “ropes” protruding through the skin. These develop typically from a faulty valve which causes blood to pool and stretch out the vessel. These cannot be treated by sclerotherapy. We recommend seeing your primary doctor to evaluate the vessels.
” src=”cid:ii_jidgl8w40_163fa73181137ac2″ alt=”Asclera.JPG”>The left is Before and the right is After (after 26 weeks)
Are You Ready for Spider Vein Removal?
If you would like to eliminate your spider veins and improve your appearance, our specialists at Imagine Plastic Surgery can help. Today there are very effective, safe and relatively painless methods available for eradicating spider veins. Our patients have been very pleased with their results.
To find out if Spider Vein Removal is right for you, schedule your consultation today.
Call our office (951) 686-7600 today and schedule a Spider Veing Removal consultation.
What is the cost?
At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!
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