It is a myth that breast implants alone will create significant cleavage. Cleavage depends on:
1) The shape of your breasts
2) The location of the breasts on your chest
3) The diameter of your breasts preoperatively
4) The degree of breast augmentation
5) The amount of breast tissue that you have
6) The size of the implant
It is a myth that breast implants alone will create significant cleavage.
The profile of the implant can be helpful. Implant profile should be based on your chest width. For instance if you have a narrow chest and place a low profile implant you may have better cleavage but the breast implant may also be located to the outside of your chest. Conversely if you have a wide chest and have placed a high profile implant you may have minimal improvement of your cleavage
If you have an average chest wall size, there is a better chance for having improved cleavage. Especially if you do postoperative muscle stretching exercises. However, it is not a guarantee and just increasing the size does not necessarily increase breast cleavage. It is actually can be the opposite: since the breast implant can actually push the breast to the side resulting in decreasing the amount of cleavage.
It is not uncommon to have some temporary sensory changes after
breast augmentation. The larger the implant the greater the stretching of the nerve. Occasionally the nerves can be hypersensitive or hyposensitive to touch. Most of the time, sensation does return, especially if placed below the muscle and using a inframammarry access incision. Therefore one should wait up to a year for normal sensation to return.
Yes, this can occur. Unfortunately we did not know cause of the scar tissue causing a firm or hard breast (capsular contracture). It is least common for capsular contracture.
1) With saline implant
2) Below the muscle
However, but if saline implants do get hard they will begin getting hard earlier than later – usually in the first several months. If silicone implants get hard, they will get hard progressively over time.
Early non surgical treatment:
includes medications, cold lasers and early aggressive breast massaging.
Surgical treatment:
1) Then a simple inferior capsulotomy or release of the scar tissue may be all that is needed, especially with saline implants, to restore shape and symmetry.
This is done easily as an outpatient under just local anesthesia
2) However with the more scar tissue it may require surgical removal of the capsular contracture (which is causing the hard/firm feeling) and replacing with a
new implant.
Replacement of implants that have ruptured is not an emergency operation.
However it is recommended that removal and or removal and replacement be undertaken at maximum within several months from the diagnosis. There is no evidence at this time that ruptured silicone implants can cause medically related problems. However over time the ruptured leaking silicone implants can stimulate the production of scar tissue around the implant. The procedure requires not only removing the ruptured
silicone implants but in addition scar tissue around the implant. Some women elect for removal only. However most opt for removal and replacement.
No, the problem is that the breast skin bra is out proportion and larger in comparison to the existing breast tissue. The profile of a implant will have very little to no affect on saggy breast skin. If you truly have breast ptosis or sagging breasts, you should have breast lift
(mastopexy). If you desire need a lift and desire more upper fullness you most likely need both a lift with the profile that fits your chest wall.