COVID Policy Riverside CA - Inland Empire

COVID Policy


COVID POICY for Imagine  Plastic Surgery (IPS) and Riverside Outpatient Surgical Institute (ROSI).

– Updated August  27, 2022.

As your employer and Medical Director, it is my responsibility/obligation to create/guarantee a “safe work environment” for our patients and all the staff members of IPS and ROSI.

This updates our original policy and reflects current medical recommendations.

1) Per the State of Calif. mandate by Sept. 30, 2021, all employees will need to show proof of complete vaccination and boosting if working in a medical facility.

Exception: A filled-out Medical or religious exception document.


2) Masking:

Non-vaccinated/boosted employees will be required:

– to wear an N-95 mask (other than eating: see below)

– Covid testing: twice weekly (Mondays and Wednesday)

Vaccinated employees will wear masks (can be non-N-95 masks) or use a Plexiglas barrier while seeing/interacting with patients (other than eating: see below).


– At a minimum of 6 feet between vaccinated individuals

– Single person in a private office/area


3) Eating:

– shared office space: no eating

– in private offices (one-person offices) eating will be allowed (vaccinated and non-vaccinated  Individuals).

– break/lunch room

Vaccinated individuals: Seat 6 feet apart or surrounded by a Plexiglas protector

Non Vaccinated individuals: one person at a time in the break room.


4) Patients: 

– all patients waiting in our shared IPS lobby shall be offered and recommend wearing a mask

– sit six feet apart

– upon entering the office will be screened with a questionnaire, masked, and one patient per room

– one patient only in the exam room

– offer to patient “face time” or “zoom” to anyone the patient desires.


  •             Minor
  •             Interpreter
  •             Hearing impaired
  •             Immediate post-operative patients


5) Contact with individual who has been recently diagnosed with COVID 

– (5) days quarantine at home

– no symptoms and negative COVID testing prior to returning to work.


If you have any questions, please contact Lisa or Jordan and we will set up a time to discuss your question/concerns.

To all of our health and mutual safety.

My best,

Dr. Hardesty

Medical Director IPS and ROSI

What is the cost?

At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!


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