Breast Lift for Self-Esteem & Beauty – Riverside County, San Bernardino County, and the entire Inland Empire
A woman’s breasts often change over time, losing their youthful shape and firmness. These changes and loss of skin elasticity can result from such causes as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, aging (granny breasts) and heredity. A breast lift procedure from Imagine Plastic Surgery can help quickly restore a woman’s beauty, and self-esteem.
The appearance of the saggy breasts often limits a woman’s wardrobe selection and precludes them from wearing backless gowns, certain swimwear or going bra-less Psychologically, women often relate their breasts look much older than their age or how they feel.
Commonly referred to as a Breast Lift (or “Boob Lift”), Mastopexy surgery raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.
Misconceptions About Breast Lift Procedures
A good deal of misinformation exists regarding the breast lift procedure. One thought is placing a large breast implant will always solve the problem. This is incorrect. If the sagging (breast ptosis) is significant, no matter what size implant is used, the final breast appearance will have the “snoopy dog” deformity/appearance with the nipple rotating down the slope of the breast. Fortunately, a drooping breast can be corrected by skilled placement of a breast implant, ( See our section on breast enhancement ).
Another misconception is that a breast lift will decrease nerve sensation, but it is highly unlikely and unusual to have any loss of sensation to the nipple areloar complex, (NAC). The nerve to the NAC comes from the bottom side of the breast, not the outside breast skin. Thus, excising the excess breast skin should not alter nipple sensation.
An additional misnomer is that most women have symmetrical breasts and NAC. This is also not true. The vast majority of women have asymmetric size breasts and NAC. (Only in the girlie magazines where the photographs are retouched or photo-shopped do these types of breasts exist!). Unfortunately, this misconception is rampant and sets standards that do not exist in the public at large. However, Dr. Hardesty utilizes breast lift techniques which can significantly improve breast symmetry.
Only a physical exam by an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon specializing in and having many years of experience performing breast lift procedures can best predicate what type of lift you will need.
Crescent Lift
(Minor breast ptosis) A small incision on the top half of the NAC removing skin only and elevating the NAC.
“Circle Lift” or “Pericentric” Breast Lift
(Minor breast ptosis with large NAC)The NAC is reduced to the desired size that is appropriate to the proportion of the breast mound. The incision is limited to the outer edge of the NAC removing excess breast skin and undesirable, large pigmented areolar tissue. This results in an attractively lifted breast and a more proportional NAC.
“Lollipop Lift,” or “Vertical Lift,”
(Moderate breast ptosis with large NAC) This procedure incorporates the above Circle/Pericentric Lift, but in addition, sculpts the breast into a more round and firm form by removing additional excess breast skin from the sides of the breasts.
“Inverted T” or “Anchor” Breast Lift
(Significant breast ptosis with large NAC) A procedure that’s indicated when significant breast skin needs to be removed. These incisions are hidden in the breast (infra-mammary) fold) and are a combination of the Pericentric and Vertical Lift.
Which Breast Lift Option is Right For You?
Knowing which of these options are best for you, requires the experience and skill of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, such as Dr. Robert Hardesty. Their ultimate goal is to enhance self-esteem and beauty, which is verified by the exceptional results these surgeons consistently achieve.
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What is the cost?
At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!
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