What is Rhinoplasty Surgery? | Nose Job Procedure Types

What is Rhinoplasty Surgery?


Posted by Dr. Hardesty

Definition of Rhinoplasty

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Rhinoplasty often referred to as a “nose job”, is a broad term that refers to surgical procedures that are carried out to improve the appearance and function of the nose.

If there is deviation of the nasal septum often causing a “crooked” nose or airway obstruction, it is called rhinoseptoplasty or septorhinoplasty.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a procedure that uses techniques which disguise minor irregularities through injections of temporary fillers. Injecting non-absorbable synthetic products into the nose can have unforeseeable consequences over the years, including non-treatable sequelae.

Reasons for Getting Rhinoplasty

Reasons for getting a rhinoplasty or septorhinoplasty can vary. From a traumatic injury or birth deformities to those who want cosmetic improvement or refinement of the nasal structure, rhinoplasty can address all of these concerns.

Candidates for Nasal Surgery

Cosmetic Improvement

The ideal candidate for Rhinoplasty is someone who wants a realistic cosmetic/aesthetic improvement of their nose. Realistic expectations are important in understanding what can or cannot be completed. It is important to realize that it is impossible to create a “perfect” nose or one similar to someone else’s.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty can improve self-esteem. It is important to understand that a rhinoplasty will not result in a “perfect” image or an improved relationship with others. Rarely, a properly performed rhinoplasty will change your face significantly but rather bring balance and give proportional harmony to your face. It is, however, important to know what you want to achieve and be able to discuss these desired improvements with Dr. Hardesty.

Airway Obstruction

Likewise, patients who present obstructive airway problems associated with a deviated septum or large turbinate’s, associated or not with aesthetic problems, may benefit from Rhinoseptoplasty. However, you should bear in mind that functional corrections and aesthetic corrections are sometimes incompatible. Patients already undergoing rhinoplasty or those who have suffered severe nasal traumas pose a challenge for the combination of cosmetic and functional surgery.

What is the Procedure Like?


Rhinoplasty consists of surgically modifying osseous and cartilaginous nasal structures to achieve a new form that improves facial harmony and improve nasal function using hidden or intranasal incisions.


Non-surgical techniques have recently gained in popularity and (when indicated) can provide very good results. However, this is a small subset of Riverside plastic surgery patients. The vast majority of patients seeking cosmetic or functional improvement will require surgical rhinoplasty. Injecting non-absorbable (silicone) synthetic compounds into the nose can lead to unpredictable consequences that may take years to manifest, which can sometimes lead to non-treatable skin conditions.


The nasal septum is partition cartilage (lower nose) and bone (upper nose) covered by a lining.

The nasal septum provides separation resulting in the nares (the two nasal cavities). When the septum is crooked (from trauma or birth) instead of a straight divider it is referred to as a deviated septum. The deviated septum can result in obstructing the air flow.

Rhinoseptoplasties are usually performed to:

  • Improve nasal airflow where the deviation reduces air flow
  • Straighten a “crooked nose”
  • The nasal septal cartilage is often used as a “living graft” donor site for correction of other nasal deformities or add structure to the nose.

Turbinate Reduction

Turbinates are six internal nasal projections that help humidify the air before entering the lungs.

They can enlarge to abnormal size and be an additional reason for airway obstruction. When they contribute to airway obstruction and/or reduce airway flow the lower two turbinates are reduced in size or removed.

Reasons for Not Performing a Rhinoplasty:

  • Abnormal blood coagulation
  • Active infection in the body
  • Disorders in tissue healing,
  • Untreated alterations of the immune system,
  • During pregnancy.
  • Patient with a mental illness who have not.
  • Stabilized or resolved of their condition
  • Patients with unrealistic or perfectionist expectations
  • Age must also be taken into account; most surgeons prefer to do rhinoplasty on patients at least 18 years of age.

Risks and Complications of Rhinoplasty

When rhinoplasty is performed by a highly trained & qualified plastic surgeon, complications are uncommon. However, as in life, there are always possibilities of complications and healing irregularities with any cosmetic surgery or procedure. The most common include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding from the nose
  • Anesthesia
  • Irregular healing

The Rhinoplasty Incisions

Open Rhinoplasty/Weir wedges

The incisions are usually hidden, very small, but they are permanent. Once the incisions have healed they are usually not noticeable or readily visible.

Closed Rhinoplasty

All of the incisions/scars are inside the nose and are not seen.

Rhinoplasty Revision

Approximately, in 1-5 out of 100 cases it will be necessary to perform a surgical re-operation to correct minor defects. These revisions are usually minor and often performed under local anesthesia. Some cases are unpredictable and occur even to the patients of the most experienced plastic surgeons.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

During the first few days after surgery, there be swelling, some bruising, and nasal discharge. During the first period of recovery, it is often forgotten that this is temporary and that the appearance will improve. It is not unusual that some patients may feel a temporary period of depression. This is a normal feeling. Sutures and splints are removed within the first 10 days or sooner.  As time progresses the swelling and bruising improves, the patient begins to feel satisfied with the results. The improvement is progressive and gradual, although a minimum firmness can be felt, especially at the tip of the nose, for a few months. The final subtle changes continue to occur, and the final appearance is obtained in approximately 1 year.

Rhinoplasty procedures can provide both cosmetic and functional improvements. They can be life-changing for the patient from not only an improved appearance but also being able to breathe better. If you have any additional questions, visit our Rhinoplasty FAQs page.  Contact us today to schedule your nose job!

What is the cost?

At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!


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