Posted by Dr. Hardesty
There is no doubt that buttocks cleavage is a rage in 2014. Otherwise why would celebrities, like Kim Kardashian, Niki Minaj and Amber Rose, be such a buzz? If you yearn for youthful and full buttocks that you are proud of, the best way forward is butt augmentation. It will give you an amazing reverse cleavage that you will have no qualms of showing off!
Why Buttocks Augmentation?
You are good candidate for a buttocks enhancement if you have the following symptoms:
- Sagging buttocks
- Flat buttocks
- Extreme weight loss resulting in the loss or change of buttock shape. While you can opt for butt implants, most women love the Brazilian Butt Lift, as it makes their buttocks look sensual and prominent without using anything artificial. Thick is In!
What is a Brazilian Buttocks Lift?
Brazilian butt lift does not make use of butt implants. Instead the cosmetic surgeon harvests fat from your own body. This fat is then processed and injected into designated areas of your buttocks. The end result is a fuller, rounder and more prominent behind. The reason why women don’t go in for butt implants is these implants cannot give the rear end a natural appearance. Though there are many cosmetic surgeons and patients who will disagree with this statement. When done correctly, this method of butt augmentation can last a lifetime. Above all, it is a safe procedure without any side effects.
While it may take up to 6 weeks for the swelling to disappear, you will be able to resume normal activities 4 weeks after undergoing a Brazilian butt lift. Now there is an option to get enviable buttocks like all those famous celebrities.
What is the cost?
At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!
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