Posted by Dr. Hardesty
Body Contouring Options: Noninvasive, Minimally Invasive and Surgical Alternatives
Based on your anatomy, needs, wants and desires you have several choices to contour and slim your silhouette.
UltraShape “Power”
The newest, most effective and documented nonsurgical technology, using ultrasound waves to permanently destroy fat cells without any pain or down time).
VellaShape III
Uses radio frequency waves to shrink the skin after UltraShape “Power” and/or liposuction.
Ultrashape “Power” with Vellashape III
- No pain
- No surgery
- No down time
- Will not tighten muscles
- Certain areas difficult to treat
Minimally Invasive
- Liposuction using tumescent fluid under local anesthesia…
- Followed by Vellashape III to shrink the skin.
- Removal of excess skin and fat only under local anesthesia…
- Followed by Vellashape III to shrink the skin.
A mini tummy tuck includes:
- Tightening of lower abdominal muscles
- Removal of excess skin and fat of lower abdomen
- Liposuction of flanks
Mini Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction
- Umbilicus (tummy button) not incised
- Removes excess skin and fat of lower abdomen and flanks
- Lower abdominal muscles tightened
- Upper abdominal muscles not tightened
- Limited fat and skin resected
- Surgical procedure with 10-14 days’ recovery
A classic tummy tuck is like a mini tummy tuck (like #1 above), but in addition it tightens muscles from pubic bone to breast bone.
- Upper and lower abdominal muscles tightened
- Significant amount of skin and fat can be excised
- Incision around umbilicus
- Surgical procedure with 10-21 days’ recovery
An extended tummy tuck (like #2 above), but it removes additional fat and skin towards the hip area.
A “reverse” abdominoplasty involves:
- Isolated excess skin and fat resected (or cut out) from upper abdomen with resultant scar.
- It is located in the inframammary fold (breast crease). Abdominal muscles are usually not tightened
A Fleur de Ly (like #3 above) is a vertical excision added, which allows more removal of loose skin and fat to better create a narrower waistline 
- Upper and lower abdominal muscles tightened
- Significant amount of skin and fat can be excised in both the vertical and horizontal plane
- Incision around umbilicus
- Additional vertical incision on abdomen cannot be covered with a two-piece swimsuit
- Surgical procedure with 10-21 days’ recover
Each of the above have their unique pros and cons
Each of the above options — when performed for the correct indications and when the patient has realistic expectations — often results in a high patient satisfaction, often 95 percent according to RealSelf data.
What is the cost?
At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!
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